Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

Anunţ publicitar al Statului Român in ziarele mari ale lumii:

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12 iulie 2012

Yoga vs. Liquor

Research confirms that drinking gives you the same benefits yoga does!!!

> SavasanaPosition of total relaxation.

> Balasana
> Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm

> Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
> This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.
> Marjayasana Position stimulates the midriff area and the spinal column.
> Halasana Excellent for back pain and insomnia.

> Dolphin Excellent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.

> Salambhasana Great exercise to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.

> Ananda Balasana This position is great for massaging the hip area.

> Malasana This position, for ankles and back muscles.

> Pigeon Tones the body, and builds flexibility and helps get rid of 'stress'.

> Life really boils down to 2 questions...

> 1. Should I get a dog.....?



> 2. Should I have children?



> Just to let you know
> I'm thinking of you today.

> No matter what situations life throws at you....
> No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem..
> Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel.



> You're laughing aren't you?
> That's good 'cause my job here is done!
> Have a great day
and remember to give thanks.....

> Cats are so dramatic!

> Now that I made you smile,
> Pass it on to someone else
> Who needs a laugh today!